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 Is this good enough, or...

Tom has been shooting cars since he was a child, not for money but because he loved them.  His mentor was his father who took him on many adventurous photo shoots. Tom's working career has been varied, from shooting nature to weddings and then finally settling in with the automotive and car racing industry. 

He studied for three intense years at a photography school and followed that with two years in graphic design school. That led to a job running a Ilford pro digital photo lab. He then move on to a Los Angeles-based trade show company to run their design department and design their booths and graphics. In 2002, the Long Beach Grand Prix took him on as photographer and graphic designer and that continued a year until a local defense contractor stole him to do photography.

Tom kept his ties with the Grand Prix, returning as photographer and then chief photographer for race weekends. He left the defense industry in 2012 to begin a freelance career. Art of the Corvette was Tom's first book, in collaboration with friend Randy Leffingwell. Since then, Tom has done all the photography for books such as Art of the Mustang , Wide Open Muscle,  The Art of Speed - Classic Motorcycles and  Art of Mopar

... do you or your clients expect a unique, one of a kind, stunning photograph? 

About Tom